
Life's A Pill - Just Swallow It!

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Name: Josephine
Home: Segamat, Johore, Malaysia
About Me: One word... WEIRD!
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Post #250
Monday, March 17, 2008
No mood to blog anymore.. Not sure if it's just a phase..

So this blog will either be on temporary hiatus OR stopped for good!

Just a few (final) pictures/update before I call it quits for God knows how long...

Asian Obi Wan

Wanted to take a pic of me "killing" Darth Vader but that stupid guy in the DV suit asked me to point the light saber in front -_-"

With some cosplay characters~!

With my girls~! (Celebrated Cathy's EXTREMELY belated birthday!)

We love camwhoring coz we know we're beautiful~! XD

Until next time...

Whenever that is...

Signing out,

posted by Josephine @ 12:23 am   2 comments
What They Said...
Monday, March 10, 2008
What Anwar said:

"The people have voted decisively for a new era where the government must be truly inclusive and recognise that all Malaysians, regardless of race, culture or religion are a nation of one."

"The people have expressed in no uncertain terms that they want accountability, transparency and the rule of law."

"This is a new dawn for Malaysia."

What Dr. M said (on Pak Lah):

"My view is he has destroyed Umno, destroyed the BN and he has been responsible for this."

"I am sorry but I apparently made the wrong choice."

What Malaysiakini commented:

Abdullah was Mahathir's hand-picked successor when he stepped down, but after the new leader dumped several of his pet projects he began launching accusations of economic mismanagement, nepotism and corruption.

What Dr. M said on a general note:

"I think the people must have been very angry, all the races, Chinese, Malays and Indians."

"The problem is we (the government) have become so arrogant. We suppress any opinion that we do not like and they begin to believe in their own reports which are not actually consistent with what is happening in the country."

What Others said:

"Barisan was overconfident and had taken things for granted." -Abdul Malek-

"With a number of states are in the hands of non-government parties, I think the government now should be more people oriented in the allocation of resources rather than base on political allocation." -Khalid Ibrahim-

"We need to really do some soul searching." -Mukhriz Mahathir-

“This is a historic crisis, and we must face it without further denial, self-deception or media spin." -Tengku Razaleigh-

"Samy Vellu had given the kiss of life to the political careers of the leaders in MIC and now he has taken it away. These leaders have learned, albeit bitterly, the true meaning of democracy." -P. Sivakumar-

"The swing against BN (Barisan Nasional) was stronger than anticipated. BN has been taking the people for granted." -Dr. D. Jeyakumar-

Other (interesting) news:

"The traffic was so high that it triggered an automatic mechanism which assumed we were under attack, automatically shutting down our website." -Steven Goh (co-founder of Malaysiakini) on why so many of us couldn't access the website after a while-

"There was a big shift in PAS' attitude by dropping any mention of plans to set up an Islamic state."- Shahruddin Badaruddin (political analyst) on how PAS won-

Adapted from Malaysiakini (a.k.a the best news website ever!)


For good (political) reads:

  1. http://sloone.wordpress.com/
  2. http://mahaguru58.blogspot.com/
  3. http://anilnetto.com/


And this is just plain evil (but funny! LOL) : "Goodbye Sam" from Comedy Court

Here's a pic taken from Anil Netto's blog: (with photo credits to PSM Operations Room, Sungai Siput)

After Samy lost the seat to Jeyakumar


posted by Josephine @ 6:18 am   0 comments
Political Storm
Sunday, March 09, 2008
This is a turning point for Malaysia!

Here are some screen shots taken from Malaysia Kini..

Following the updates every 2 - 5 minutes was terribly exciting!

Pak Lah: "We've Lost! We've Lost!"

Samyvellu: "Goodbye"

Khairy: "This is not the end of this world. We will fight back"


posted by Josephine @ 8:30 am   0 comments
Nak Tak: Every Vote You Cast Counts
Sunday, March 02, 2008

To know/read/see more, visit http://naktak.blogspot.com/

Also, check these few blogs out: (do that before the 8th of March!)And an image from Malaysia Today...

"Be prepared to pay the price" (Can I roll my eyes?)


posted by Josephine @ 11:26 am   4 comments
Saturday, March 01, 2008


posted by Josephine @ 7:56 am   0 comments
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