Was recently tagged by Chia Ling so here's doing the tag thing.. The Rules1. Link to your tagger and post these rules. 2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself. 3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names. 4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eight random facts eh? Ok.. Here goes:
- Two things in the world can affect my mood very drastically - music and the sky
- I wanna bungee jump and sky dive before I die - but I'm deathly afraid of heights!
- I'd spend money on a lot of things - except SHOES (which is why I don't have that many)
- I absolutely hate goody-two-shoes, backstabbers, and self-centered a**holes!
- I never forget the wonderful things that people have done for me - then again, I never forget the bad either..
- I'm a terribly forgiving person - provided the other side apologises
- I think a whole lot when someone acts differently towards me - yes, I'm overly sensitive.. but I'm correct most of the time when reading body language
- I believe fashion disasters should be thrown into jail!
Now to tag 8 people... - Kiat Wei
- Ching Mun
- Christina
- Han Ping
- Sek Kuan
- Tek Jee
- Kah Yee
- Jivanti
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soon to come... Pictures from my MIRI/BRUNEI trip!! FUN~FUN~FUN~~~!!! Labels: Crap |