
Life's A Pill - Just Swallow It!

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Name: Josephine
Home: Segamat, Johore, Malaysia
About Me: One word... WEIRD!
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All I Want For Christmas
Monday, December 11, 2006
Dear Santa,

I've been a good girl this year and all I want for x'mas this year are...

  1. The one person who holds my heart so tight, I think I can die
  2. To lose at least 15kgs!
  3. Free lasik treatment
  4. iPod video 80GB - black
  5. Panasonic Lumix LX2
  6. An all expense paid trip to and around Europe
  7. More ANIME!!!
  8. For everyone's wishes to come true!

And Santa, here's my fantasy gift list.. I wrote it just for kicks.

  1. A wallet that will never go empty
  2. A teletransporter from Segamat to IMU
  3. Psychic eyeglass - would love to get a glimpse of exam questions lol
  4. Fishing rod - used only to fish cuties out from a pond full of testosterone factories! Haha!
  5. Big, beautiful, white angel wings
  6. Magic vacuum - to suck out all human sufferings
  7. Magic rice bowl - to feed those in hunger
  8. Magic watering can - to give rain to places of drought

Please Santa, won't you grant me my wishes?

With Love from Me

posted by Josephine @ 1:09 am  
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