Went to my grandparents' grave on Saturday. Last day of "Cheng Beng". Was shocked to find this one BIG tree atop my grandparent's grave! God knows when it had fallen down!
Mum had gotten sudden super human strength and started cutting the tree into smaller pieces with a blunt "parang" and rusted saw! Yanti helped her of course. Worked really hard, the 8 of us, trying to get the tree off. There were poison ivy and weird looking flies all around. My bro was the first to show hypersensitive reactions. It started off with two mosquitoe bite lookalikes on his left cheek, which suddenly turned into BIG, RED and ELEVATED blotchy spot like rashes (urticaria) which spread all over his left cheek, down his neck to his body, and then to his left arm. Dad rushed him to the clinic to get a jab while the rest of us worked hard cleaning the grave.
Got mine the next day. Also on the left side of my body. Woke up staring at ugly red blotches on my left arm, which then spread to my body then down to my legs! Crazy itchy!! Got wound and blisters as well. One of which got infected and is, up until today, painful and numb! *OUCH*
The pictures below may be pretty disturbing.. Look at your own risk! Don't say I didn't warn you!! Red, ugly and itchy blotches
"Metastasized" rashes